Michael Benso teaching a gym staff member how to use BUZOPS Gym Management Software to read reports directly from business dashboard

6 Hidden Pitfalls Gym Management Software Companies Don’t Want You to Know About

As gym owners, we understand how important it is to have the right gym management software solution that will actually help you ‘rock’ your business in every way and streamline your day-to-day operations. However, we also recognize the challenge of finding the ideal gym software that aligns with your unique approach, needs, goals, and business strategy.

There are many fitness software options available out there that might seem promising at first, but after purchasing and getting locked in to a term commitment, you often discover they don’t quite meet your needs… or you end up paying more than you thought at first! The good ol’ bait ‘n switch or the ‘OPUD’ (over-promise, under-deliver).

Point of Sale System

So whether you’re a gym owner who’s exploring a new gym management solution for the first time or thinking about making a switch, it is crucial to make sure you’re choosing software that will fit your business like a ‘gym’ glove in every way possible.

We want to facilitate your decision process so you can have the certainty and security that you are choosing the right gym software you need to manage your business so you can expand, thrive, and live the life you truly want. Isn’t that why you started the whole fitness biz thing anyway?

That’s why we are sharing the most important points you should be looking for in gym management software to finally unlock that gym owner’s life you’ve always wanted.

Introducing the Most Honest and Bold Guide to Choosing the Perfect Gym Software for Your Fitness Club

1-Ensure Your New Gym Software Requires Minimal Time and Effort to Start

In everything we experience for the first time, adaptation is 100% necessary. By implementing new gym software in your fitness club, you need to ensure that the gym software implementation timeline is realistic and won’t consume excessive work on your end. We get it, you have a business to run, and knowing what to expect is critical.

With many solutions, their aim is to simply get you sold, lock you in, and have you handle it from there. This puts you in a position of having to get new billing details from your members, setting them up in the new software, and essentially tagging all members to the membership and starting payment. This is extremely time-consuming.

The process should be as smooth as possible for you and that’s why it is important to know the timeline for all system modifications and the expected speed of implementation.

If you are lucky enough that they will help with your gym software migration, it’s crucial to review exactly what’s being migrated when migrating from your old system to a new solution.

We’ve seen it happen where a migration misses a large portion of customers, leading to revenue loss and unnecessary billing frustrations. This takes your focus away from the main goal: keeping your members happy and healthy.

At BUZOPS, we not only handle the migration for you, but we also keep you in the loop.

We get your feedback, and help clarify any points. We’ve even cleaned up old issues that gym owners either didn’t know about or had forgotten, like duplicate accounts, account freezes that should have been unfrozen, missing cards, and even defining a list of customers perfect for a retargeting campaign to get them back in the gym.

We’ve seen gym owners recoup their initial costs with Buzops simply by making the switch. It’s money found for switching.

When it comes to timing, there are a few moving parts. There’s the time you put in and the timeline to get what you need from your previous gym software solution over to the new platform.

"If you want to customize things for your business and save a lot of money while doing so definitely BUZOPS is a great option. And at the end of the day, the hospitality and the customer service is really, really second to none and that, that to me is really, really important."
Phil Squatrito Switched from Mindbody to BUZOPS Gym Management Software
Phil Squatrito
Owner of TFW Ponte Vedra, FL

Many gym management software solutions claim it will only take 24 hours or less, and this is true if you’re a new gym or simply migrating customer names, emails, and phone numbers. Heck, we’ve gotten this done in less than an hour for some gym owners, but that’s misleading.

What about memberships and personal training sessions, or group classes and packages the client has? What about their billing method? Is it being moved over too?

Heck no…not in under 24 hours. It takes as little as 5 days and as much as 8 weeks to get the data from your old provider. We’ve even seen some providers extend this just to “handcuff” the gym owner to stay, which only frustrates them more and makes them even more determined to switch to BUZOPS.

Listen, if you’re doing this for the first time, know that getting your client’s secure data can take time and depends on the willingness of your current gym management software provider.

If you’ve been down this road before and had a bad experience, you know how valuable it is to have a gym software solution that does the work for you. And by the way, BUZOPS doesn’t charge you for this service, and we don’t start your billing date until you’re moved over, or 90 days from when we initiate it (we’ve got to start billing you at some point…we are a business…just like you).

But we are fair and reasonable, especially if you’ve been handcuffed by sales teams selling you nothing but a bunch of snake oil.

Our process is simple. You initiate a warm transfer by cc’ing us in an email to your current provider and introducing us. From there, we take over, letting them know you’re migrating and providing them with the essentials to securely handle and transfer your private data to a new gateway provider.

We ensure all details are intact without mixing or mashing up data points. We validate this and, if needed, go back to them to address any errors we find.

If they try to charge you—which many will—we work to get the fee reduced or even have you pay nothing. Stripe and Square charge you nothing and are great to work with. Mindbody and ABCFitness typically charge $400-$500 for the data transfer. ZenPlanner forces you to go through PaySimple, which can be rough—they might try to charge up to $1000 and won’t give the data easily. In fact, they might even try to send you encrypted data on a USB drive through the mail. Really ridiculous. GymMaster requires you to get the data from Bluefin, which isn’t easy but is doable.

Our point is, we have these conversations on your behalf and work with them to get it done. Some gym software companies are very easy to work with, while others are like a stage 5 clinger that doesn’t want you to leave and has that “I will find you” mentality (sorry, a movie line from Wedding Crashers).

But it’s real, so know what you’re getting into. Hey, if you’re good with the clingers and always want to be handcuffed in that type of relationship—no judgments. Okay…we will judge, and so will others, because it’s odd…but good for you, you found your match. 🙂
Bottom line…we got you covered!

At BUZOPS, we value efficiency and uphold transparency throughout our processes. If you’re a gym owner launching your new business and beginning to build your membership base without previous gym software experience, the implementation time for our software is nearly immediate!

Simply subscribe, and you’ll be ready to manage your operations right away with no down-time..

However, if you’re a gym owner who’s already working with another provider and would like to make a switch, the story adapts to the responsiveness and willingness of your current provider, but rest assured, we white-glove this for you because we too have been there as an owner switching and without help, we know it can be overwhelming, which is why we do this part for you.

First, we’ll reach out to your current provider on your behalf and keep you updated in our communication chain. We’ll set clear expectations for the software provider and work with them to establish firm dates.

They’ll then encrypt the data and send it to our system. We’ll validate the information, confirm with you, and then set a close date once all systems are synced. From a billing perspective, your customers won’t notice any changes—they’ll continue to be billed on the same date and for the same amount.

The advantage for you is the time and cost savings. Once we have all the necessary information, our automated tools and team will ensure the migration is seamless, so you won’t have to worry about anything! We’ve literally got you covered.

2- Ensure they don't surprise you with additional gym software add-on charges and hidden costs: Protect Your Gym with Transparent Gym Management Software

It’s truly frustrating to discover that the feature that initially convinced you to choose a particular gym management software is only available as an add-on.

Many gym software options tempt you with a “free” version or discounted rate, yet the reality is that access to the most advanced, essential features incurs additional costs.

Imagine (or maybe you are already living it) investing in a gym management software subscription for your gym, only to learn later that you need to pay more for crucial features.

I get it, some features come with a price tag, but not all should, and certainly not the good ol’ bait-and-switch features you were led to believe you would get as part of your service.

Unfortunately, many gym owners encounter these situations after subscribing, as providers often fail to disclose information about extra payments or hidden costs.

As a business owner, you need as much information as possible when evaluating a software provider for your fitness business! You really want to make sure you have all the cards on the table and don’t get “unwanted surprises”.

Many companies use these tactics to squeeze more money out of you than you should be paying; some of their essential features are “premium” and since they are essential to running your gym, you’ll end up paying more than you thought at first! Very sneaky!

There are various gym software technologies available in the market. Some companies have established themselves as leaders, boasting significant market share and a long-standing presence in the industry.

These firms often allocate substantial budgets to marketing, which is why their presence is so widespread. We’re sure you experience this day-to-day.

One may find that McDonald’s commands a significant market share, and their advertisements and billboards portray their food offerings in an appetizing manner. 

An individual might succumb to the craving induced by such marketing tactics, only to later experience regret. This remorse stems from the knowledge that the local burger establishment just down the street offers burgers crafted from genuine grass-fed beef and fries prepared from locally sourced potatoes.

Of course, we market and advertise to you, and we’re sure you do the same for your customers. If you didn’t, they might not even know you exist. It’s a required part of business today.

However, just because you see a tantalizing ad for burgers and fries doesn’t always mean it tastes as good as it looks. We’re sure you’ve been there, just like many of us. My point is… do the research to make sure what you need is actually offered.

You may not know this, but from my experience in the software industry, many of these larger organizations buy up smaller companies to do two things: maintain market share and acquire their clients (you).

The problem this brings is that the software technologies were not designed to work well together. It’s like building an addition onto your house. Unless you have an outstanding architect, these additions bring challenges for proper integration with the existing house, and it’s often very noticeable that they are two different parts of the home, certainly not laid on the same foundation. This can create problems, and in software, the problems are frequent.

If you’ve ever been to Europe, it’s much like trying to plug in your hair dryer or electric razor into an outlet there when the system is not set up for plugs from the US. It always requires an adapter. Similarly, these big companies often buy up smaller, newer gym software companies that bring fresh tech to the table.

This leads to a mishmash of different systems and codes all trying to work together, which can make things pretty messy. This mess can cause problems in the software, like bugs and inefficiencies, and give users of their platform a serious migraine, one worthy of that deep breath and a break on the couch. Many of us have been there!

When done right, these integrations can really make things better. “Right” usually means a native integration, which requires rigorous testing from the development team to make the integration do exactly what you want.

For example, if your gym management software can connect directly with your favorite CRM through a native integration, and not through third-party apps like Zapier, it can work wonders. This kind of direct connection can simplify your operations and cut out the need for extra bits and pieces. Sometimes, if it is native, it never requires you to actually log into the CRM.

For instance, we created a direct native integration with Pipedrive and GoHighLevel (SOON TO BE OFFICIALLY RELEASED) that allows you to sync these two systems with BUZOPS.

This allows all your automations for email and SMS sequences occur based on when and where your client is in your pipeline. If a client cancels, it automatically moves them in the CRM to cancel and triggers the proper sequence. If they become inactive because of payment issues or are a prospect that needs nurturing, the right sequence goes out.

In addition, if you are running Meta/Facebook or Google campaigns, the leads can flow right into BUZOPS and your  gym CRM, placing them in the correct stage and pipeline with the correct sequence, avoiding duplication of data.

Moreover, you can even hire a sales group to manage your pipeline and ensure people are contacted immediately, giving them access to the CRM. When they get sign-ups using a private sign-up link from Buzops, it auto-moves them in the CRM pipeline, triggering those automation nurture emails and SMS messages.

If this seems too complex, let us do it for you. Just another way we want to make sure our clients win…every day!

Working with a gym management software that gives you all the features, tools, and services under one payment is the best-case scenario for you and your fitness club (you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches).

The extraordinary thing about Buzops is that once you’re in, you’ll enjoy access to ALL the essential features (current and future releases) to make the most out of each tool! We provide an affordable plan that includes the most robust essential features, eliminating the need for any add-ons or extra payments. This is something you won’t find elsewhere (to our knowledge).

3- Claim the Support You Deserve: Why Your Gym Management Software Should Provide Top Customer Service

In this picture Michael Benso is helping gym owners to get onboarded with BUZOPS. Claim the best customer service from your gym management software
Michael Benso, Buzops Co-Founder, Assisting Angela (Owner of Focus Fitness) and Shannon in Organizing Their Business Before Onboarding with BUZOPS

Good customer service is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing any provider of any product or service.The quality of customer service will directly impact the overall quality of the software.

If the provider can’t support and resolve any issues or questions that might come up, no matter how good the software is, its value to you will diminish significantly because of the time consumed dealing with frustrating issues.

Lack of support can lead to a lack of productivity, as you may spend significant time trying to troubleshoot issues on your own. This can detract you and your staff from focusing on core business activities, leading to frustration and stress. Remember, a software provider should give you peace of mind.

The vendor you select should be there to help you promptly and provide top-notch service for any issues or questions that arise at any time. It’s important to find out when and to what extent the provider will support you and your team.

Poor customer service from the software provider can potentially result in member dissatisfaction due to system failures, difficulty in resolving issues, or delays in responding to inquiries. If you want to provide the best service to your members, you need to ensure you’re getting the best service from your providers as well.

For us at BUZOPS, client satisfaction is our priority. We know that the best compliment we can ever receive is a referral, and we get a lot of those…so we must be doing something right 😁.

Our customer service is personalized and tailored to your specific case and business approach. We aim to resolve all your issues and concerns effectively and in a timely manner.

With our promise to provide you with answers within 24 hours, you can trust we’re working tirelessly to resolve any issues you may encounter (but don’t expect to encounter issues—if you are expecting that and want that, we are not the right software for you).

4-Guarantee a Smooth Transition: Risk-Free Migration to Your New Gym Management Software

If you’re currently unhappy with your gym management software provider and would like to make a switch, it’s crucial to ensure that the new software provider offers a seamless and risk-free migration. You don’t want to lose clients or important data during the transition.

This is high on the list of important priorities when switching vendors. The worst-case scenario is losing essential information, including contact details, payment history, membership statuses, or other crucial data needed to run your fitness club smoothly and efficiently.

Difficult and non-intuitive transitions can disrupt your gym’s day-to-day operations, causing confusion among staff and inconvenience for members. As a gym owner and the head of your team, you need to take the time to look into different gym management software’s migration options and ensure they commit to offering a risk-free migration process. This way, you can avoid unpleasant surprises and keep things running smoothly.

Did we mention that opting for Buzops includes a dedicated and complimentary software migration process? Unlike other companies that impose fees and demand long-term contracts, we prioritize your needs. We offer a smooth and secure migration process, giving you peace of mind as you transition.

With us, you can minimize any potential disruptions and be confident in making the switch safely and securely.

5-Choose Innovative Gym Management Software: Stay Ahead with Features that Help You Keep Up with Market Trends

Imagine having a gym management software provider that never changes—no updates, no new features, no releases to meet your evolving needs. Your business would get stuck!

In this world of constant evolution, businesses that don’t adapt to new trends and technological advancements are left behind. As the head of your gym business, you need software that constantly scales and innovates as the fitness industry continues to evolve.

Especially now, as technology reaches new heights, having a gym management software provider that consistently scales and innovates opens up endless possibilities. You can offer the best experience for your members and have seamless, efficient management to progressively scale your gym business and stand out from competitors.

Even if you’re not up-to-date with the latest industry trends, your software should help you perceive and easily adopt changes. This ensures your business model never feels boring or obsolete, and your growth never stagnates.

As the fitness industry evolves, it’s crucial to choose a gym management software provider led by visionaries with a solution-centric, tech-forward approach. With all the innovations and technology emerging, you don’t want to be left behind!

At BUZOPS, we love to constantly improve and integrate new technologies to help your business evolve. Our team isn’t just made up of 17 software developers. Michael Benso, our co-founder, has over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry. His background includes roles in Global Product R&D and Marketing for Matrix Fitness, and he was a multi-location gym owner and founder of a personal training company that grew to over 90 locations in less than 10 years.

We are not only skilled professionals but also curious entrepreneurs passionate about innovation and adopting new technologies.

Michael Benso teaching a gym staff member how to use BUZOPS Gym Management Software to read reports directly from business dashboard

We listen to your feedback and those of other gym owners. We support loyal clients in their growth as business leaders in this industry. For instance, we supported Peter Kraus with software solutions for his five 24 hour access gym locations in Madison, Wisconsin. We also had the opportunity to invite him to the GSD Conference to connect with other gym owners and learn from industry leaders like Mike Arce.

Peter is a dedicated client who sought to educate himself while planning the rapid expansion of his business. In this full interview, Peter shares his vision for the future of his multi-location gym business using BUZOPS. Remarkably, within six months of switching to BUZOPS, he increased his gym revenue by approximately 200%. Watch to learn more about his impressive journey and insights.

Our primary objective is to help you navigate the ever-changing technological landscape to ensure your business isn’t just surviving but thriving. We consider ourselves your partners in growth. We share your vision for success and are fully invested in scaling your operations to reach your business goals.

With Buzops by your side, we can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation, propelling your business to new heights!

6. Ensure Your Gym Management Software Offers Comprehensive Extra Benefits

Ask yourself this question before deciding on the best software provider for your gym: what extra advantages does this vendor provide? Are they offering personalized services, member retention strategies, marketing tools, 24-hour gym management software with fully integrated door access control, and more?

You want a software provider that gives you everything you need! A provider that fits your business needs and desires and truly simplifies your operations so you can start enjoying your business and live your best life.

At BUZOPS, we are non-traditional thinkers who go the EXTRA mile in the services we provide. Since our software was made by gym owners, we understand exactly what your gym business needs because we’ve been and still are in your position.

That’s why we developed a gym software that is literally your most comprehensive gym operations solution, from point of sale, real-time insights, a free exclusive app for you and your members, an affiliate and influencer marketing program that helps you grow your business 100% organically and more. 

BUZOPS is the only gym management software with integrated door access control that syncs seamlessly with your members’ memberships, offering 24/7 remote real time check- in control access. Plus, we don’t tie you down with contracts—probably because we’re so confident you’ll love it, we know you’ll never want to leave! 🥰

We firmly believe that running a gym shouldn’t mean being tethered to your business around the clock, so we created software with features that allow gym owners to live with freedom and grow their business at the same time!

Now, if you’re a gym owner, you’re probably asking yourself, “How can I subscribe to this amazing gym management software that Buzops offers?” The answer is simple: just reach out.

We’re all ears and happy to answer all your questions, giving you a deeper understanding of how Buzops will transform your business and your life.